Straight Hemp CBD Blog

Essential oil cultivars vs. Industrial Hemp
Jan 02, 2020
The term “industrial hemp” is somewhat redundant, as it can be applied to any C....
Do CBD Topicals, Creams and Lotions Actually Work?
Dec 30, 2019
Do CBD-infused topical creams, lotions, balms, and salves actually work? If so, how? Find links to reputable research here at Straight Hemp.
Will CBD Oil Result in a Positive Drug Test?
Dec 30, 2019
CBD oil is gaining mainstream use, but can it result in a positive drug test? Here’s what we know. 
Finding the Best CBD Oil: What You Need to Know
Nov 11, 2019
There are several things to look for in CBD oil to see if it’s at the highest standards. The top three things to consider when choosing the best CBD oil products are: 1. What it contains 2. If it has been tested (and the results) 3. How it was extracted.
Why Americans Use CBD Products
Nov 04, 2019
Since the Federal legalization of CBD in 2018, CBD has been adopted by consumers at an extremely rapid pace. The study performed by Gallup in the summer of 2019 found that 1 in 7 US adults currently use CBD products to help with conditions.
Why only full spectrum hemp and no isolates?
Oct 07, 2019
We strongly favor full spectrum products that include terpenes and a wide variety of cannabinoids, as naturally produced by hemp. When we talk about full spectrum we mean that we extract from the whole plant: CBD and other cannabinoids  and terpenes. In fact, we don't offer any isolate products. Why not?Â