Increase Your CBD Benefits: How & Why You Need To Start Adding CBD Products To Your Favorite Foods

Aug 31, 2020Staff Writer
Cooking with CBD & hemp products - CBD benefits

With the relatively new legalization of CBD products throughout the United States, there’s a series of ways consumers are using CBD products, and each CBD usage is associated with a variety of CBD benefits.

In particular, when you start adding CBD products into your cooking methods you can start reaping the CBD benefits almost immediately.

The Best and Most Effective Ways On How to Start Cooking with CBD Products 

Cooking with CBD products is an easy process to start. Regardless of what you’re cooking up, you can add any Straight Hemp CBD oil into your favorite recipes. 

Simply add a few drops —seriously, just a few drops, it’s better to start off small so you don’t off-put the flavors in your foods— of your favorite Straight Hemp oils to your favorite foods, and you’ll be able to indulge in your favorite meals while also feeling better than ever. 

Don’t Add Directly To Heat Source & Use The Best CBD Oils Available

Be sure to add the best CBD oils to your cooking after you’re done with the heat sources. Adding your CBD oils to direct heat can reduce and lessen the effectiveness associated with the oils. 

Along with avoiding heat sources, be sure to use the best CBD oils on the market — premium CBD products that have been tested for their quality are critical in providing the best outcomes associated with adding CBD to foods. 

At Straight Hemp, we test our CBD products, again and again, to ensure each and every one of our customers is getting a premium product. In fact, when you order any Straight Hemp product, you will be given a batch lab test number located on your product packaging or on the bottom of your Straight Hemp product. Visit our batch lab report page on our website and input this number to see the quality report associated with your product. This report is individualized for each product sold. More information here

Add CBD Oils to Foods High In Fat

Some of the best foods to add CBD oils to your cooking is to add a few drops to items that have some form of fat in them. 

In fact, in 2019, the University of Minnesota conducted a study showcasing CBD benefits and people that suffer from epilepsy. Within this study, they analyzed how these patients could better absorb CBD products. In short, CBD oils were compared in people that fasted vs. “high-fat” meals. They found that the people that added their CBD products with a “high-fat” meal had 14 times the absorption rate as the people that fasted.

This doesn’t mean you have to add CBD into ice cream, chips, or other junk food items, but adding CBD products into foods with healthy fats will help reap all the available CBD benefits — avocado, salmon, salad dressing, etc.

Why Should I Add CBD Products Into Food?

The amount of CBD benefits outweigh the stereotypes associated with hemp products, and when you add the best CBD oils into your favorite foods you significantly increase the CBD benefits.

As we mentioned earlier, adding CBD oils to your favorite foods allows a greater absorption rate, so you receive more relaxation, pain relief, and other effects associated with CBD products. 

Adding CBD products to your favorite foods also changes the flavor without having to look for flavored CBD oils. At Straight Hemp, we believe in producing quality products, so we don’t add any additional flavors to our CBD oils. We receive mixed reviews on this, but we find without the additional ingredients the CBD oils are able to exist in their purest form and are considered one of the best CBD oils and products available on the market.

Check out our CBD oils and start reaping all the CBD benefits by adding them to your favorite foods!

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