Hemp Seed Oil vs. CBD: What’s the Difference
When you see a hemp oil product, you likely think it’s some form of CBD. They seem like the same thing, so why not? In reality, they aren’t the same at all. So, what makes hemp oil and CBD oil so vastly different?
What is CBD?
CBD, also known as Cannibidiol, is produced in different forms, including balm, vape oil and gummies. Cannabidiol is one of the many ingredients found in Cannabis Sativa plants, and is produced in both marijuana and hemp.
CBD does not cause a high like marijuana since the amount of THC in most CBD products is incredibly low at 0.3% or less, according to federal regulations.
What is Hemp Oil?
Most hemp oil is really "hemp seed oil" because it's made from pressed hemp seeds. Hemp oil is edible since it is derived from seeds and is made of many essential nutrients, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is also a good source of protein. Because of this, hemp oil is primarily used as a food oil or a dietary supplement.
Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil
What's the Difference Between Hemp and CBD Oil?
Hemp oil is only made up of the hemp seeds, while CBD is made up of the rest of the plant, including stalks and leaves.
Hemp oil does not contain any CBD because the seeds are the only part of the hemp plant that doesn’t have Cannabidiol.
Hemp oil also does not contain THC since it isn’t found in the seeds. However, there can be trace amounts found within hemp oil products, depending on the manufacturing process.
When using CBD oil, it is recommended to take it under the tongue since ingestion isn’t as effective while hemp can be ingested.
While both hemp oil and CBD are made from hemp plants, knowing their differences is key to understanding these products and their uses.